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Connect to your server as root via SSH and run the following command:

bash <(curl -sSL

Minimum requirements: Ubuntu22/Debian12, HDD 15GB, RAM 1 Gb, CPU 1 Ghz

Advanced Install Settings:

Here you can set what shall be installed and configured when installing OpenPanel:

  • Set the FQDN hostname.
  • Set a custom OpenPanel version to be installed.
  • Email address to receive admin logins and future notifications.
  • Set admin username (by default random generated).
  • Set admin password (by default random generated).
  • Skip the requirements check.
  • Skip checking if existing panels are installed.
  • Skip the APT update.
  • Enable overlay2 storage driver instead of device-mapper.
  • Don't setup UFW (Only if you will set another Firewall manually)
  • Don't install openpanel/nginx and openpanel/apache docker images.
  • Do not set up IP sets and blacklists.
  • Skip SSL setup.
  • Enable ModSecurity for Nginx.
  • Install and setup UFW instead of CSF.
  • Disable port 22 and whitelist administrator IP address.
  • Install FTP (experimental).
  • Install Mail (experimental).
  • Specify the post install script path.
  • Set the screenshots API URL.
  • Display debug information during installation.
  • Retry and overwrite everything.